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Don Oliver
Position: Staff reporter

Pastorious hidden in plain sight

Even though COVID-19 is still with us, and it seems many writers can think of nothing else to write about, I have strayed from that place. Actually, I am at the point of either ch...

What I did during the lockdown

My email inbox has been filled with things to do during the stay-at-home edict. They have ranged from making the house spotless, finishing the entire honey-do list, gaining weight and develo...

It’s a serious mess

This is certainly not the column I had planned on writing. I was suppose to be in Tennessee fly fishing for bass. And, for the price of ice cream cones, have three-quarters of the Wild Bunch...

Spring: Almost

Spring is rapidly approaching. And, you are probably asking, how do I know? The first indication is that by 2 o’clock in the afternoon, my driveway has turned into a quagmire of ...

In search of the Gray Ghost

Taking one’s own advice can have great results. My last column spoke about how to dress for cold weather fly fishing. I tried that. Then I went to my last suggestion and headed for the Baham...

Staying warm in the cold

Just because winter and cold weather are now upon us, there is no reason to stop fly fishing. It’s been my experience that great fishing can be had when the mercury in the thermo...

Keeping score

It’s Christmas time again. Once, it was my least favorite time of the year. But with the creation of the “Wild Bunch,” it has become my absolute favorite time of the year. With t...

Being thankful. Really thankful

It’s November, and I’m relatively certain you are expecting my usual column about being thankful for everything we have. We should be thankful. But this November, I am especially thankful fo...

End to a great year

I ended my 70th year as I started it, fly fishing. That probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone. I started the year of celebration fly fishing in Canada. With me were the W...

Renewing old friendships

Drought, fire, snow, heavy runoffs, pestilence and helping to pay for orthopedic surgeons’ children to go to college forced me to ignore two good friends. Those friends are Lime Creek and Cu...

Bamboo and brookies, what fun!

So far, this has been a really busy summer. My calendar shows “non-fishing stuff” going on almost everyday since the first of June. I’m an old, retired curmudgeon; it shouldn’t have been tha...

Setting goals

I have heard it said, and I agree, when someone starts to fly fish they go through a series of self-imposed goals. First, they want to be able to master a cast. Little do they kn...